Libya Matters

36: Lord Alf Dubs on Justice for Migrants and Refugees

Lawyers for Justice in Libya

Hosts Marwa and Mae, together with Lord Alf Dubs, discuss access to truth, justice and accountability for refugees and migrants that have suffered gross human rights violations in Libya. They look at current avenues for protection and accountability, as well as how to effectively build migrants and refugees into future transitional justice mechanisms.  

Lord Dubs is a British Labour politician and former Member of Parliament. He arrived in the UK as a refugee in 1939 and has served a long career in long career in public service. 

Our report, No Way Out: Migrants and refugees trapped in Libya face crimes against humanity, is available here

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This season of Libya Matters was produced by Damiri Media: @damiri.official
Artwork by Agata Nowicka: @pixelendo 

Libya Matters is brought to you by Lawyers for Justice in Libya (LFJL).  

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