Libya Matters
A podcast by Lawyers for Justice in Libya (LFJL) about truth, justice, and human rights in Libya with hosts Elham Saudi and Marwa Mohamed.
52 episodes
48: The road ahead with LFJL
In the final episode of this season, hosts Elham Saudi and Mae Thompson reflect on the journey of season 5 and bring it back to the Libyan context. They look ahead to talk of upcoming election and where Libyan women’s political engagement fits ...
Season 5
Episode 10

47: Women’s rights in Libya today with Noura Eljerbi
"They want to take us out of the picture..."What does violence against women and girls look like in Libya today? How is this specifically impacting women human rights defenders? Join hosts Elham Saudi and Marwa Ben Abderrezak, al...
Season 5
Episode 9

46: Ending violence against women and girls with Hala Al-Karib
"Violence against women and girls is a political question"This week, hosts, Mae Thompson and Marwa Ben Abderrezak are joined by Hala Al-Karib to discuss the patterns and normalisation of violence against women and girls in the Horn of Af...
Season 5
Episode 8

45: Rights of indigenous women with Tuza Hasairi
"We have more hope, we have less fear..."How did the 2011 Libyan uprising impact the rights of Imazighen (Amazighs) people? This week, hosts Elham and Mae are joined by Tuza Hasairi to dive into Libya's pre- and post-2011 political and s...
Season 5
Episode 7

44: Gender Apartheid in Iran with Shadi Sadr
"It’s not about religion, it’s about freedom of choice…"This week, human rights advocate Shadi Sadr joins hosts Elham and Marwa Ben Abderrezak to explore the current system of gender apartheid in Iran. Together, they examine the years, c...
Season 5
Episode 6

43: Women in African leadership with Shuvai Busuman Nyoni
"We say those women's names over and over again..."In this episode, hosts Marwa and Mae are joined by Shuvai Busuman Nyoni to shift our understanding of leadership as a collective movement, rather than focusing on individuals. Shuvai exp...
Season 5
Episode 5

42: Women and girls after the Taliban takeover with Hasina Safi
"Be honest…"What has the Taliban takeover meant for women in Afghanistan today? Former Minister of Women’s Affairs, Hasina Safi, shines a light on her experiences in Afghan politics and the erasure of women in public, social and politica...
Season 5
Episode 4

41: The role of INGOs in the WPS Agenda with Kaavya Asoka
"Solidarity is not just a warm fuzzy feeling…"This week, hosts, Mae and Marwa Mohamed, together with Kaavya Asoka, explore how we build global solidarity between women in civil society. They discuss reprisals against women human rights d...
Season 5
Episode 3

40: The feminist movement in Libya with Farida Allaghi
“I don’t want to stop even when I’m 100 years old…”In our first guest episode, hosts Elham and Marwa are joined by Dr. Farida Allaghi to explore her experiences and lessons learnt as an activist growing up in Tripoli, Libya. She also del...
Season 5
Episode 2
39: Introducing Season 5 on Women, Peace and Security
To ease into this new season of Libya Matters, join our hosts Elham and Mae as they set the scene for the next nine episodes, delving into what we mean when we say Women, Peace and Security (WPS). They explore the significance of situating the ...
Season 5
Episode 1

38: Noha Aboueldahab on the Role of the Diaspora
For the final episode of the season, hosts Elham and Marwa welcome Dr. Noha Aboueldahab to Libya Matters to explore the role of the Libyan diaspora and what diasporas can offer to justice in their home country. Dr. Noha Aboueldahab ...

37: Phil Clark on Reparations
What is the goal of reparations and why do they matter? When should they be delivered and who should benefit? In this episode, hosts Elham and Juergen are joined by Professor Phil Clark to grapple with the topic of reparations for grave human r...

36: Lord Alf Dubs on Justice for Migrants and Refugees
Hosts Marwa and Mae, together with Lord Alf Dubs, discuss access to truth, justice and accountability for refugees and migrants that have suffered gross human rights violations in Libya. They look at current avenues for protection and accountab...

35: Stephen Rapp on a Special Court for Libya
Why are Special Courts needed, and do they help achieve justice? Could Libya benefit from a Special Court? How can a Special Court be compatible with other international mechanisms? To unravel all this, hosts Elham and Marwa talk to prominent A...

34: Gissou Nia on People's Tribunals
In this episode, hosts Elham and Mae are joined by Gissou Nia to discuss peoples’ tribunals as an alternative to more conventional criminal accountability mechanisms. Together they explore what a peoples’ tribunal might look like in the context...

33: Carla Ferstman on Victims in the Justice Process
Carla Ferstman returns to Libya Matters to discuss the views, concerns and participation of victims and their families in transitional justice and accountability mechanisms, and to explore what a genuine victim-centred approach would look like ...

32: Yasmin Sooka on Truth-seeking
In this episode, hosts Elham and Mae talk to prominent South African human rights lawyer, Yasmin Sooka about the importance of knowing the truth, how we can seek it, and how truth-seeking should fit into transitional justice processes. Yasmin S...
31: Justice Albie Sachs on Dealing with the Past
How do you deal with the past in order to move forward? And what does this mean for countries that have experienced conflict and mass atrocities? To kick off Season 4, hosts Elham and Marwa attempt to answer these questions with the incredible ...
Season 4
Episode 1
Introducing Season 4
We’re back! This is Libya Matters – Season 4. New season, new guests, new hosts… and so much to discuss!More than a decade after the 2011 uprising, we’ll be taking a look at what justice really means in Libya and for Libyans, and how we ...
Season 4
30: International investigations and the path to accountability with Hanny Megally (Annual Justice Lecture 2020)
This episode presents the second Annual Justice Lecture delivered by Mr Hanny Megally in October 2020. Mr Megally examines lessons learned from past Commissions of Inquiry and the key elements of a successful investigative mechani...
Season 3

29: Special Episode! Libya Matters Live: Reporting Libya
How does the international media cover Libya? Are they held accountable? How should they report on conflict and political instability? In this special episode, we look at the challenges and opportunities for the media covering the L...
Season 3

28: Looking Ahead
In the final episode in this season, our producer Tariq Elmeri goes deeper into Salwa’s family’s pursuit for justice, and why an independent investigation is very important to her sister Iman. We will also hear from activists and journalists, w...
Season 3

27: Celebrating Civil Society
In this episode, we celebrate the achievements and resilience of Libya’s civil society movement over the last 10 years, which Salwa Bugaighis played an important part in creating. We discuss the challenges that civil society actors continue to ...
Season 3

26: The Fight for Freedom of Expression
In this episode, we take a deeper look at the rights to freedom of expression and association. Ten years on from the protests that started the Libyan uprising and in the year in which elections are supposed to take place, where are we in protec...
Season 3