Libya Matters

27: Celebrating Civil Society

Season 3

In this episode, we celebrate the achievements and resilience of Libya’s civil society movement over the last 10 years, which Salwa Bugaighis played an important part in creating. We discuss the challenges that civil society actors continue to face and ways to move forward. 

This is a story of tragedy and triumph, and one we are honoured to tell. LFJL is sincerely grateful to Salwa’s family and friends, and all of our friends and partners in Libyan civil society who have given us their time and trust to tell this story. 
LFJL created the Ali Nouh Fund to provide emergency assistance to human rights defenders who are at risk due to their work. To donate, visit Every penny you donate will go to support human rights defenders in Libya.   

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If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave us a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen.  Find our regular hosts on Twitter @Elham_LFJL and @Marwa_LFJL. Libya Matters is produced by @telmeri. Thanks to Shahrazad Kablan, Abdelsalam and Emad Regea for contributing to this episode. The voiceovers in this episode were by Karim El Bouri and Mohammed Zlitny. Artwork by @OzDominika

Libya Matters is a production of Lawyers for Justice in Libya.  Follow LFJL at:    

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